Ideas for narrative essay topics

I have to write a narrative essay soon, so I need some good topic ideas. Thanks!

4 Answers

    1. Someone is mistakenly diagnosed with a fatal disease;
    2. A dialogue with an opponent: Meeting a character from a book;
    3. The moment I understood which profession I dream about;
    4. Analyze the fact that from the moment of our birth we approach death from day to day;
    5. A millionaire losing his/her fortune in one day.
  1. The purpose of narrative essays is to create a mental picture in the readers’ minds and satisfy their interest.

    • Narrative essays are normally written in the first person (‘I’). However, you are allowed to use the third person, if you like.
    • Narrative essays have to describe human senses, impressions and thoughts, so that everyone feels that these feelings belong to him or her.
    • Narrative essays are to observe the following requirements: they should have a plot, characters (main and secondary), a climax, and a strong ending.

    You can write narrative essay about your own life.

  1. You can make your narrative essay as creative as you want: use comparisons, metaphors, dialogues and whatever a writer can use. You can provide an intriguing beginning, for example:

    I am standing in the middle of the yard and crying. My hair is dyed with green paint, and my knees hurt. There is no one here to comfort me and to make me smile again; but the most terrible thing is that I am the only person to blame for all my misfortunes. Now, are you ready to get familiarized with the details of my “unforgettable” eighth birthday? (An excerpt from a student’s narrative essay about the biggest failure of his childhood. He tells about how his childish obstinacy spoiled his birthday)

    Here are some topic ideas for your college narrative essay:

    • A conflict that you had in high school;
    • Your experience of moving from one city to another;
    • A day that affected your life significantly, etc.
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