How to write a research paper?

Need help writing a research paper: where do I start and where you find the best sources online?! Sorry, a foreign student and don’t know what I’m doing πŸ™

8 Answers

  1. I think you’re chosen the wrong place. Ask you academic advisor and/or your tutor. Your department website should also have some info. Also, your library ID – it should grant you access to some great resources online.

  1. 1) Choose a topic that interests you. The more enthusiastic you are, the easier the research paper will be to write.

    2) Identify the goal of the paper. Generally, speaking, there are two types of research paper:
    – An argumentative research paper takes a position on a contentious issue and argues for one point of view. The issue should be debatable with a logical counter argument.
    – An analytical research paper offers a fresh look at an important issue. The subject may not be controversial, but you must attempt to persuade your audience that your ideas have merit.

    3) Find good sources. Ideally, you should use a variety of sources, including websites, books, academic or professional journals, and interviews with experts. Realistically, however, a lot of your sources will be found online. While using a tertiary source like Wikipedia is not generally accepted in academic papers, Wikipedia articles often have citations linked to source material. Look for credible websites that end in .edu or .gov.

    4) Write a working thesis statement based on the goal of the research paper. A thesis statement summarizes the overall point of a paper by making a claim and then listing points that will be used as evidence to support it. At this point in the process, you should only write a working thesis statement because it may change during the course of your research.

    5) Compile and structure the “meat” of the essay. The meat of the essay (which will later become the body paragraphs) is where all the evidence is addressed and analyzed. If it helps your process, write the meat of the essay in outline form as a placeholder until you have a better sense of the direction you’d like it.

    6) Write the body paragraphs. These are based on the meat of the essay and should already be largely underway. If you haven’t done so already, break up what you’ve written so far into paragraphs. Though body paragraphs are generally split apart by topic, note that very long paragraphs will have to be broken apart for the readers’ sake; look for places to beak that won’t disrupt the flow of your writing.

    7) Write the conclusion. Now that you have carefully worked through your evidence, write a conclusion that briefly summarizes your findings for the reader and provides a sense of closure. Start by briefly restating the thesis statement, then remind the reader of the points you covered over the course of the paper. Slowly zoom out of the topic as you write, ending on a broad note by emphasizing the larger implication of your findings.

    8) Write the introduction. The introduction is, in many respects, the conclusion written in reverse: start by generally introducing the larger topic, then orient the reader in the area you’ve focused on, and finally, supply the thesis statement. Avoid repeating exact phrases that you already used in the conclusion.

    9) Revise your thesis statement. Now that you have thoroughly examined and processed your information, rewrite your thesis statement to better reflect your findings.

    10) Revise the paper and develop a final draft. Read through the paper at least two or three times. Make sure all of your assertions are backed up by sources, you have transitions between all of your main points, and that you did not leave out any details. Finally, look for any spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word choice errors.

    11) Provide a works cited page. This page includes all of the sources cited in your paper. Write your research paper using APA style/format.


  1. This. Do this. It eventually helped me out to build up enough courage and knowledge to tackle my research papers, essay and other stuff on my own. Plus it’s all confidential, but just use the stuff as references, samples – otherwise you might be caught cheating.

  1. The first thing you should do when writing a research paper is to choose a good research question. Be sure to choose something debatable (a question that brings controversy) and manageable (a narrow question which can be solved within 1 project). For example, human resources management is a bad topic, because it is too broad. At the same time, β€˜HR strategies used in Apple in post-Jobs period’ is a better topic.

  1. Just brainstorm your topic, find some good resources online (use and edu sites only) and just do it. Good luck with your research!

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