A symbol that represents a speech sound and is a unit of an alphabet

A symbol that represents a speech sound and is a unit of an alphabet:
a) k
b) l
c) m
d) n

1 Answer

  1. The correct answer is a) k.


    The symbol for speech sound K sounds the same way as it is used in the alphabet. However, it is a common thing that a letter can be pronounced differently depending on its position and other specific factors. Created in the 19th century, the international phonetic alphabet (IPA) was developed to make spelling simpler. IPA made it possible to interpret letter sounds through specific symbols.

    Special symbols are used to represent speech sounds
    Source: SlidePlayer.com

    All sounds can be divided into two major categories. They include consonants and vowels. While the majority of English letters have generally different speech sound if compared to the IPA, the letter K is the only one that sounds the same.

    It is important to note that the international phonetic alphabet applies only to languages that use the Latin script, such as English. The representation of sounds in Asian, Arabic, Eastern European, and other languages would be different. More information about IPA can be found here.

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