What was your most useful high school class and why?

17 Answers

  1. Typing for me too … since my career was as an Administrative Assistant. The next was English/grammar/spelling since those are the foundation of so many others skills we all need to be successful in life.

  1. psychology! or biology! english, k we know how to spell and write, what else do we really have to know jeeze? math sucks in general… go science routes they are interesting and its knowledge you might like to remember one day 🙂

  1. It’s interesting that so many people are saying “typing”. Sounds so old-fashioned. I learned how to touch-type in 3rd grade and it was mandatory too.

    The most useful course I took was probably English Comp, which had a unit on “rhetoric”. I still use what I learned in that class to write papers in graduate school and it hasn’t failed me yet.

  1. I would say English… because it is something you will use every single day for the rest of your life.

    I’m sure a lot of people here can vouch for the fact that people DO judge you based on your spelling and grammar.

  1. Don’t know how “useful” any class was. But then I didn’t take any of it very seriously back then. They were mostly private schools for smart problem kids and I probably learned more from the students than the teachers though I remember we did have what I thought at the time were some good teachers. Perhaps music counterpoint because the teacher was dreamy and I later had a relationship with and lived with him and he helped me a lot that year and for years after that with advice and financially.

  1. Looking back on it, I think English is the most practical class for preparing for careers. Articulation is crucial in getting good jobs. Math is also important and useful for everyday situations. Science too opens many doors. History enables us to learn from past mistakes. Music and art adds flavor to life. I can’t say I’ve benefited anything from P.E. class.

  1. I would say Geography is very important.It would be good to know what state,province,area,one lives in as well as it’s relationship to other states,etc.Also on a world level it would be good to know where each country is and the changing landscape of the world with older countries sometimes breaking into new countries. Another subject,which has never being taught,is the study of foreign cultures and countries.That way the student will learn the relationship of themselves and the world community.

  1. The absolute best most useful class I took in high school was personal typing. This was back before the days of a computer on every desktop and I never dreamed that I would be typing every single day of my life. I find it painful watching people type who have never learned how to touch-type.

  1. The most useful high school class, i think would be math(to count your money)english,(so you knowwhat each bill is) and public relations so you can talk to people in a positive way.

  1. I feel school did me no good, I remember many days going from class to class and the teacher telling the students “Work on your assignments from your previous class”, then the teacher would sit and read the newspaper, so I figured if I’m going to learn nothing I might as well do it by staying in bed sleeping. I probably learned most on my own and from some other students, Has it helped me in life? Yes and No!

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