Do you have a Master’s Degree? Or any postgraduate course?

Well, what has it done for you?

11 Answers

  1. Nope…
    12 yrs of High School
    A year of College
    Said the learning life just wasn’t for me. I was down to PAR-TA!
    silly mistake and I wish I could have “do overs”.

  1. No. I’m a loser. I graduated High School in 2017. I should have graduated in 2014. I don’t feel confident enough to go to post-secondary school. And I can’t afford it, either. So because of these things, I feel like a loser. Some people seem surprised when they learn these things, but I guess maybe I appear smarter than I really am. All I really feel like I have going for me is that I’m a good speller. I’m not good at much else in the real world.

    That's the past, matthew. Your life is yours to embrace and make it whatever you want it to be. Degrees are not what is important. Find something you can do or want to learn to do. Learn it and make a living for yourself doing it. Being productive and independent are a big part of the happiness equation. Happiness is something we all deserve.
    Thanks for saying all that. I appreciate it. But it can be hard when no one or barely anyone seems to want to hire you, seemingly because of lack of experience. My 23 y/o sister tells me that I don't act confident enough, so maybe there is that, too. I know I can seem like I'm assertive on here, and willing to say whatever is on my mind. But in person, I am very different. I am really quiet and tend to keep to myself a lot of the time. I don't have the kind of personality employers I want to have seem to be looking for. I'm more introverted and reserved instead of extroverted and outgoing.
  1. Yes, I have a Master’s degree, and am almost done with a DMA (Doctoral of Musical Arts). It is crucial for me to have it to get a tenured college professorship. So far my degrees have been vital in my success up to this point.

  1. I’m currently working on my MBA. It’s netted me a bit of debt, kudos from my parents, & interest from my employer.

    2 out of 3 isn’t bad 🙂

  1. Yes.
    I took it because I was halfway there by the time I finished my undergrad. I had been hired to do research and so on. It seemed logical to continue.

    I don’t know what it got me. I have a good job but I think I would have been interviewed even with the undergrad degrees alone. I aced the interviews and that got me the job.

    I haven’t really used what I learned in that program. I got laid a bunch back then. I don’t know what else to say. I’d do it again.

  1. No, I just have the greater part of a BA. I’m an accomplished amateur scholar, but severe anxiety issues prevent me from acquiring proof of my ability. It’s just as well; with the anxiety, my skills are useless to anyone but myself.

  1. Yep.

    Not much so far, except cost a lot for some nice looking paper. Every job I have had since didn’t require it, and I can’t really see that it gave me an edge. Looking back, I would have rather gone a different route.

    …such is life, that’s done, and I am past it.

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