What do you dislike most about exams?

Not having enough time to finish them. Some tests are designed to be a challenge that way; it’s challenge enough to answer correctly and intelligently, but having the clock pressure on top of that is no fun.

13 Answers

  1. Preparation.

    You try to study everything. In the exam, you find out you over studied.

    Or you study everything, then the exam has questions that don't seem to be the stuff you studied. Sigh!!
  1. I do…have always hated them…. and it’s not like I do bad or anything like that, I was an honors student and on the Deans list… but I still totally loathed them.

    Me too. Same situation. I did well in school, but I always hated exams.
  1. Nothing. Unless it is a confusing one. Those suck.

    Like when the test is made up of questions that you never studied for, right? Eeeg.
    Well, we can't blame that one on the exam. LOL. If I would have studied, I would have liked it.
  1. I don’t mind exams that are constructed to see who has a grasp of the material in question. I HATE exams that test you on what you DON’T know. They are the ones that a chock full of meaningless minutia that barely pertain to the main subject.

  1. I did very well as a student. I was an Honors student, but I always hated taking tests. To this day, I still have bad dreams about it – like being late for a test, missing my test completely because I got the test dates wrong, freezing in the middle of a test, etc. Sigh!

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