How to start an autobiography about yourself?

I’m only thirteen and on the 5rd day of school we have to write a 5 page biography next week so I’m just trying to get it done.

I need a first sentence to start it off with…

4 Answers

  1. Autobiography Example:

    I was born on a cold winter night, when even time seemed to stand still in my native Garden City, Kansas. I do not remember much of my early childhood, but my Mom said that I was a very active, curious and communicative child. I could ask tens of questions per minute, even without waiting for the answers. I suppose this is why my parents offered me books and educational movies as early as on my 3rd birthday.

    Fortunately, my thirst for knowledge did not come to an end when I was at school. I was passionate about History and Science. This passion helped me develop very good skills in these areas and I was admitted to the college of my dreams. Today I am a student at a law school and I feel very happy about it.

    I’m certain that my degree will become my ticket to a better tomorrow. I want to become a good lawyer in the field of employment legislation. I study hard and devote my free time to reading scholarly reviews and watching interviews with recognized specialists in the field.

    Sure, I understand that life is not just a bed of roses and challenges and hardships are an integral element of life. As my parents could not help me to cover my college expenses in full, paying off my student loan has become an important challenge for me. I combine a part-time job and full-time study to earn my living and my education. Yet, I feel triumphant at the beginning of every month when I receive my wages and I plan how I will spend my money.

  1. Maybe with a flashback from childhood.

    i.e. “A little boy was looking out the window at a giant dog Leonberger… etc.”

    Obviously not that boring but its good to have flashbacks, once you’ve done that flashback thing in 3rd person you can go.

    Since I was 5 years old I always loved that dog… etc.

  1. Write it in the third person. Something like:
    Jane was a smart young girl. Ever since she could remember, she imagined himself doing _____ with her life.

  1. An autobiography is a story that an author tells about his/her own life.

    Using any of the 7 strategies below you will easily come up with a worthy idea for your autobiography:

    1) Create a past – present – future timeline. Include a variety of experiences from different periods of your life to show how, when and why you realized that occupation X is your calling.

    2) The sky is the limit. Show that you already have some knowledge and experience (if any) in the chosen field, while you still understand the importance of continuous professional development.

    3) People. Discuss people (parents, teachers, friends or celebrities) and particular situations that motivated you to choose this profession. When writing about your role models, do not forget to place the main emphasis on YOU (what you gained, learnt and did).

    4) How you overcame some hardships. Discuss some challenges you faced in your life to show that you are morally strong and have learnt a lot from your experiences.

    5) Global issues. Environmental influences inevitably play an important role in your life. Feel free to discuss environmental or social issues if you truly care about them and if they are somehow related to your field of study (for example, this can be a good choice if you intend to study Law or Politics).

    6) Medals and awards. If you decide to discuss your achievements, make certain that this information is relevant to your application (for example, your victory in the competition Spelling Bee in the 3rd form is not likely to touch the hearts of the admission committee at a nursing school.)

    7) Rises and falls. Discuss positive and negative experiences to show why you think that life is not always a bed of roses. Yet, you should not make the essay too pessimistic either – maintain some balance of good and bad.

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