How to write a descriptive essay?

What are the first steps in writing a descriptive essay?

6 Answers

  1. Descriptive essays are often subjective tasks but custom essay writing is not often a subjective task. The descriptive essay is often creative, personal, or simply artistic. Descriptive essays rely on their nominal stature. It is more important to use imagery and metaphorical language than scientific data. Descriptive essays are not mathematic entries, nor are they always factual.

    Here is a list of important rules to follow as  write descriptive essay.

    • Understand the concept;
    • Do your research;
    • Outline the paper;
    • Write the paper;
    • Re-write the paper;
    • Edit (outside editors).

    Here are some tips to remember when writing  descriptive essay:

    • Actually describe something;
    • Use concrete and abstract images;
    • Use concrete and abstract ideas;
    • Do not go overboard with adjectives and adverbs;
    • Do not go overboard with similes and metaphors;
    • Give it to someone else to see if your essay actually describes something.

    Sometimes a descriptive essay can be the most liberating and pleasurable essay to write.

  1. I’m working on an essay myself. Write it the way you would write fiction. Start off with a conflict or a strong quote. Don’t tell us, show us, through dialog, description and interesting facts. Possibly you’ll need to cut some things out. Don’t linger too long on peripheral things. Who or what is the subject of your essay? Round it out with some descriptions, facts and dialog. Remember, don’t overkill with small stuff. Send your reader on a journey. Keep it entertaining and start off with a grabber. Get it all down on paper. Revise it. And read it aloud to a writer’s group or aloud to yourself. It really does help having a sounding board of other people.

  1. This is one of the easiest types of essays because it does not require any investigation or observation.

    A descriptive essay describes a thing, people, an event, procedure or an experience and locations. All the five senses are made use of in this type of essay.

    While writing a descriptive essay keep in mind the longstanding saying; ‘show, don’t tell’. Facts and figures never make a good descriptive essay. It is the observation or the gleaming experience that makes it readable.

  1. The descriptive essay is a “virtual reality” experience in prose. It puts the reader inside the sensory, emotional, and intellectual world of the writer. Like poetry, the descriptive essay relies upon the following:

    • vivid verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs;
    • fresh and lively figures of speech.
  1. Descriptive essay writing is a challenge even for professionals, requires you to take closer notice of the world around you. Even if not naturally vigilant, once you open up your senses to how things look, smell and sound, you’ll find it easier to start communicating these observations in your writing. Though a difficult skill to acquire, descriptive writing adds color and interest to anything you write.

  1. A descriptive essay is a piece of writing that allows the writer to as accurately as possible give their impressions of the subject matter and allows the readers to see it in the same way. It features the use of plenty of descriptive language, and requires lots of imagination. The description of the event or item does not need to be factual, but it should be believable.

    Descriptive essay writing Instruction Steps:

    1. Pick an Interesting Subject
    2. Make an outline
    3. The Introduction
    4. The Main Body
    5. The Conclusion
    6. Reviewing and Proofreading
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