Illness is considered a behavioral stressor

Illness is considered a behavioral stressor:
a) True
b) False

1 Answer

  1. The correct answer is b) False.


    Stressors can refer to different categories including behavioral, biological, psychological, etc. When it comes to a certain disease, it should be considered a biological stressor. It is a physical and mental state that makes it impossible for the individual to operate in a normal day-to-day mode. Biological stressors are opposite to behavioral factors that generally include nasty habits resulting in different types of disorders.

    Biological stressors have a direct impact on human organisms and the body. They combine different health problems that involve disability, chronic illnesses, injuries, biochemical disorders or changes, etc. Even if one gets a cold, he or she suffers from biological stressors that prevent a person from running mundane tasks normally.

    To recover from a disease, our organism needs some time. What’s more, a patient needs to have a good rest. For this reason, specialists recommend staying in bed more than usual or take a nap during the day. Taking good care makes it possible for the body to restore lost functions, mechanisms, and capabilities.

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