Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in memory?

Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in memory:
a) Nucleus accumbens
b) Hypothalamus
c) Hippocampus
d) All of the above

1 Answer

  1. The correct answer is c) Hippocampus.


    Hippocampus is in charge of vital abilities that include long and short-term memory. Alcohol harms the human brain even after several drinks. What’s more, it is able to suppress all major processes that take place in the hippocampus, preventing it from reacting to outer situations properly. That is why one should never drive after drinking, as the spatial regulation may operate inappropriately.

    Anatomy of the Brain
    Source: Shutterstock.com

    In the same way as chemical dependency, alcohol may result in different side effects that include physical, social, behavioral, and mental. Major physical symptoms involve lost memory, rapid weight loss, worsening spatial navigation capabilities, and others. Mental side effects include anxiety, depression, and cravings.

    It leads to poor decision-making and sometimes severe pains. As for social side effects, they come in form of impulsiveness and uncontrolled anger. As a result, an individual might need a complex treatment approach featuring detox, MAT, sober living, and other therapies to restore physical and mental health as well as life skills.

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