2 Answers
Oh my, did your teacher give you the topic or is that what you picked? You have to decide what you want to persuade them about so if your speech is about illegal drugs, then maybe you could persuade them about medical marijuana and its uses for people with terminal illnesses like cancer. And if it’s about legal prescription drugs, then maybe you pick a drug like the vaccine against genital warts and you persuade them that it’s a good drug because it helps prevent something which can lead to cervical cancer later on in a woman’s life?
If your essay is on drugs, divide it into three topics: those useful in the treatment of disease, those drugs that are abused or abusable, and those that are illegal, stating the rationale for each.
Drugs used in persuasion might include those used in POW camps to cause prisoners to hate their former commanders and kill them on behalf of the enemy. There have been thousands of these incidents in recent years, particularly in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.
Include detailed figures about the huge sums of money available to the international illegal drug trade, how these revenues are used to finance terrorism, hostile takeovers of governments, etc.
Finally include work done by the CDC and DEA to understand the nature of addiction, the use of drugs in brainwashing, and include detailed lists of violent events caused by rival gangs who demand to control this illicit trade.
Do not be afraid to name names, cite cases, show the dirty side of this hellish business, show “before and after” pictures of people who experimented with illegal drugs [meth mouth, thousand-yard stare] and prove facts. Include a bibliography that cites recent court cases, university factor studies, and law enforcement data.
Prove your case with interviews of prisoners who were caught trafficking illegal drugs, find out who got all the dirty money they made, and show why the prisoner never got a penny of it.
Finally show the grim statistics of death by drug overdose, show its use as a weapon buth in crime and war, and realize that the drug trade is the most dangerous form of organized crime in the history of the human race.